Cloud Print

How To Print from The Cloud

Cloud printing and other cloud services have revolutionised traditional printing practices, enabling users to print and collaborate more efficiently and effectively than ever before. In this article, we’ll delve into what cloud printing is and how it works and provide a step-by-step guide on how to print from the cloud.    What Is Cloud Printing? ...

Three Ways Cloud Print Helps Business Processes

As the world of technology continues to evolve, cloud-based solutions are becoming increasingly popular for the average UK office.  This article discusses the benefits of cloud print and explains three ways it could streamline business processes.    What is Cloud Print?  Cloud print is a service that allows users to print documents and files from...

What Is Mobile and Cloud Printing?

Gone are the days of multiple desktop printers tethered to individual workstations, limited by physical connectivity and rigid print queues. By leveraging mobile devices, internet connectivity, and cloud-based infrastructure, mobile and cloud printing solutions offer users a convenient and flexible way to print documents from anywhere, anytime, without requiring direct physical connections to printers. This...

What Is Cloud Printing?

Whether you’re a business owner looking to streamline your printing operations or a remote worker who needs to print documents on the go, cloud printing offers a solution that can meet your unique needs.   In this blog post, we’ll explore cloud printing and how it works. We’ll explain the benefits of cloud printing, including convenience,...

How to modernise your print infrastructure

Printing is often the last part of the equation we consider when working on the strategic development of our business’ IT infrastructure. However, it is definitely a part that we should not ignore.     In this blog post, we outline four simple ways that you can modernise your print infrastructure.     Move to the cloud ...

How Cloud-Based Solutions Can Save Money

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly affected businesses worldwide, and sadly, many are still suffering. Whilst some narrowly avoided any severe implications by making staff redundant or giving up their office space, others have resorted to ceasing trading entirely.    In light of the impacts of COVID-19, business owners are now focusing on ‘preparing for the...

Sustainability Advantages of our Cloud Print Solution

Sustainability is a worldwide concern, therefore it’s crucial that we all do our part, both personally and in business.   Here at Control Print, we like to make it as easy as possible for our clients to be print sustainably.    Our best-selling Cloud Print Solution boasts a number of features that can help businesses do just that.    How? You ask. Read on…   Secure Print Release   This is a clever little...

Cloud back up – why is it important?

What is Cloud backup?  Cloud backup is a system that enables a copy of your cloud data to be safely secured and located elsewhere to prevent your data from being compromised.    What are the different Cloud-based options?   A public Cloud Backup System  This consists of copying data directly to cloud infrastructure providers.   Internal Cloud Backup...

What Replaced Google Cloud Print?

Last year, we bid farewell to Google’s popular cloud-based printing solution, Cloud Print. During its ten year stint, the solution solved many problems for Chromebook users worldwide due to their inability to print without it.   However, despite being a decade old, the service never left the beta stage and was eventually discontinued.   So,...

Saying Farewell to Google’s Cloud Print Solution

Launched in 2010, Google Cloud Print was the revolutionary service that connected both home and work printers to the web, enabling people to print without the need for drivers. Sadly, it has been confirmed that this year will be its last. Although we don't know exactly why it's been retired, what we do know is that 31st December 2020 will be its final day in...