Is a Managed Print Service Right for Your Business?

managed print service

A Managed Print Service (MPS) is the holistic management and optimisation of a company’s print environment by an external provider. The primary goal of MPS is to reduce printing costs, enhance productivity, and improve the efficiency and sustainability of print operations. But is a Managed Print Service right for you? This article delves into what MPS entails, scenarios where it is particularly beneficial, and the crucial questions you should ask yourself when evaluating the need for this service.


Scenarios Where a Managed Print Service Is Right For A Business

Managed Print Services (MPS) offer tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of various organisations. This service typically includes the assessment of current print practices, the provision and maintenance of printers, the supply of consumables such as toner, and the management of the overall print infrastructure. Here are several scenarios where MPS can significantly benefit businesses:

Large Enterprises

Large enterprises have complex print environments with multiple departments and locations, leading to challenges in managing print resources efficiently. Large printing volumes can often lead to frequent downtime, supply shortages, and increased maintenance needs. Additionally, multiple departments or locations managing their print resources can result in inconsistent practices, higher costs, and inefficiencies.

MPS provides a centralised approach to managing print resources and standardising processes across all locations and departments. Moreover, automatic supply ordering and delivery ensure printers are always stocked, reducing downtime and operational disruptions.

Cost-Conscious SMEs

SMEs often operate with limited budgets and resources, making cost-effective solutions essential for sustainability and growth. They may also need more in-house expertise or resources to efficiently manage a complex print environment.

MPS providers negotiate better rates for consumables and hardware, passing on the savings to SMEs. Streamlined workflows and optimised device usage reduce waste and improve overall efficiency, helping SMEs do more with less.

Businesses with High Document Output

Specific industries, such as legal, healthcare, education, and financial services, handle a large volume of confidential documents daily, and adhering to strict industry regulations regarding data privacy and document handling is critical.

MPS offers secure print solutions, including user authentication, secure print release, and encrypted data transmission to protect sensitive information and ensure print operations comply with industry-specific regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and breaches.

Businesses with Limited IT Resources

Many organisations, particularly smaller ones or those in non-technical fields, may need more IT staff already stretched thin to manage core business operations.

MPS manages the print environment, freeing IT staff to focus on other critical tasks. Access to specialised support also ensures that print-related issues are resolved quickly and efficiently, minimising downtime and disruption.

Schools, Colleges, and Universities

Schools, colleges, and universities require reliable and cost-effective print solutions to support the needs of students, faculty, and administrative staff.

MPS helps educational institutions manage costs by optimising print usage, reducing waste, and negotiating better supply rates. MPS providers also ensure that printers are always operational and well-maintained to support the high demands of educational environments.


Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re Considering A Managed Print Service

What are our current printing costs?

Understanding the total cost of ownership for your print environment, including hardware, consumables, maintenance, and downtime, is essential to evaluating the potential savings from MPS. MPS providers conduct thorough audits to highlight hidden costs and inefficiencies.

MPS can reduce costs by optimising device usage, negotiating better consumable prices, and minimising maintenance expenses through regular upkeep and preventive measures.

How much time does our IT team spend on print-related issues?

Frequent printer issues can drain IT resources. If your IT staff spends significant time troubleshooting printers, managing consumables, and handling maintenance, this may detract from more strategic initiatives.

By outsourcing print management to an MPS provider, your IT team can focus on core business functions. MPS includes comprehensive support, ensuring that print-related issues are resolved quickly and efficiently, often without involving your IT staff.

Are our print practices secure and compliant?

Assess the security of your current print setup. Addressing these vulnerabilities is crucial if there are concerns about data breaches, unauthorised access, or compliance with industry regulations.

MPS offers advanced security features such as user authentication, data encryption, and secure print release. Providers ensure that your print environment meets regulatory standards, protecting sensitive information and maintaining compliance.

Do we have issues with printer reliability and uptime?

Frequent printer failures and downtime can disrupt business operations and lead to productivity losses. Assess how often your printers experience issues and the impact on your workflow.

MPS provides proactive maintenance, regular device monitoring, and timely repairs to ensure maximum uptime. This reliability means fewer disruptions and a more efficient workflow.

Is Our Print Infrastructure Scalable?

As your business grows, your print needs will evolve. It is essential to have a print infrastructure that can scale your business without causing significant disruptions or requiring substantial investment.

MPS offers flexible and scalable solutions that can adapt to your changing needs. Whether you need to add new devices, upgrade existing ones, or integrate new technologies, MPS providers can tailor their services to fit your growth trajectory.

How Environmentally Sustainable Are Our Current Print Practices?

Evaluate the environmental impact of your current print operations, including paper and toner waste, energy consumption, and the disposal of old equipment.

MPS helps reduce waste and promotes sustainability by optimising print usage, implementing duplex printing, and encouraging digital workflows. Providers also offer energy-efficient devices and recycling programs for consumables and old equipment, aligning your print practices with environmental goals.

Overall, Managed Print Services offers a comprehensive solution for businesses that want to optimise their print environment by reducing costs, enhancing productivity, and ensuring security and compliance.

Whether you’re a large enterprise, a cost-conscious SME, or an organisation with high document flow, MPS could be the key to more efficient and effective print management. Explore our services or contact us to discuss how we can help you.