How Our Services Can Help The Environment

How Our Services Can Help The Environment

Looking after the environment is so important because it can impact our health and causes respiratory diseases, and we only have one earth as our home, so we need to look after it!  

At control print we care about our environmental impact, that is why we aim to provide services and solutions which help our clients to reduce their carbon footprint and waste. 

Did you know 70% of total waste in offices is printing waste? We want to help you to reduce the amount of waste in offices around the UK. 

In this blog post, we’ll showcase how we help organisations save money, eliminate waste and reduce their carbon footprint. 


Partner with industry-leading manufacturers 

We carefully select our partners that we work with, and our partners, Konica Minolta and HP are always trying to improve their product ranges to be economically friendly. We understand how much printing can affect the environment, so we try to help our clients understand how they can help the environment.  


PaperCut solution 

We introduced our new solution, PaperCut, to show people how printing can affect the environment and how we can help the environment. Our PaperCut solution reduces printing costs, and it reports on usage too. We have introduced this to combat tons of paper wasted to help the environment and your business.  

PaperCut helps businesses to: 


Reduce their print costs 

Not only does our PaperCut solution help the environment, but it also allows you to reduce printing costs. It allocates printing to different departments within your business, cost-centres and users with shared accounts. You can see how much your employees are printing; ask them if everything they print is necessary to be printed off.  


Report on usage 

We also allow you to report your usage by user, department, device, or even environmental impact. This will show you trends and how much is printed by any staff member. You can see how much printing is costing you and see if there is any way of saving money through this. You are contributing to helping the environment, and you are also helping your business. If everyone in the UK recycled 10% more paper, we would save 5 million trees each year; think about how much your company could contribute. This allows you to educate your employees regarding how much they are printing.  


Toner cartridge recycling 

You can reuse toner cartridges seven times before they are no longer useable. We also offer a Toner Recycling Service for when your toner runs out, store them, and we will pick them up, recycle them and reuse them. This massively helps the environment as we are now reusing toner instead of throwing it out.  


Would you like to discuss how you can reduce your print waste? Speak to our team today. 


Contact us today about our services to find out more.