5 Ways A Managed Print Service Saves Money

Image of a person using a photocopier

Have you heard the buzz around Managed Print Services (MPS)? Considering taking the leap? From accessing innovative, state-of-the-art devices to having consumables delivered directly to your door just when you need them, MPS offers a wide range of cost-saving benefits to businesses looking to oversee, analyse, and enhance their printing processes.

This article discusses five ways MPS can help you reduce printer-related costs.

What Is a Managed Print Service?

MPS is a service that allows businesses to outsource the management of their entire print infrastructure. It comprehensively analyses a company’s current print usage and needs, implementing streamlined processes, preventative maintenance, and ongoing support.

MPS aims to identify areas of inefficiency, increase productivity, minimise wasteful printing practices, and reduce overall expenditure.

Ways A Managed Print Service Can Save Your Businesses Money

It Reduces Downtime

Thanks to preventative maintenance and regular servicing, MPS will leave you with almost no downtime, meaning your employees can focus on their jobs without being distracted by printer needs.

In addition, you won’t be faced with a considerable repair bill like you would with an older device, as repairs are covered under the new device’s warranty.

It Offers Considerable Savings on Consumables

We all know how expensive ink and toner can be, especially when purchasing them in bulk. With MPS, your provider will know when you’re running low on consumables and deliver supplies right to your door when needed.

In addition, by choosing MPS, you have greater choice when it comes to finding the right printer for your needs and will likely access a better-quality device that might have otherwise been out of budget.

It Eliminates Print Waste

MPS aims to minimise wasteful printing by implementing paper, toner, and energy-saving print practices, such as:

  • Preventing document printing without the print job owner arriving at the printer beforehand.
  • Printing in greyscale and double-sided for draft documents.
  • Enabling sleep mode when not in use to conserve energy.

It Helps You Keep Track of Your Printer Usage

One of the most considerable cost-saving benefits of MPS is visibility. Using print monitoring and tracking software, MPS can provide invaluable insights into a business’s printer usage, identify areas of excessive printing, address these issues, and subsequently lower printing costs.

It Improves Efficiency

At the beginning of an MPS contract, your provider will carry out a detailed print audit to identify the following:

  • Existing devices in your fleet
  • Your current printing usage and where it is coming from
  • Whether or not you use all your existing devices
  • Which devices need to be upgraded or removed
  • If they can consolidate any devices
  • How much you currently spend

Conducting a comprehensive print audit allows the MPS provider to confidently make recommendations that will lower overall supply costs, reduce print waste, and improve printing efficiency and productivity across the board.

Overall, MPS is a convenient and cost-effective way to manage, analyse and simplify your business’s printing – and if executed correctly – can offer some significant cost-saving benefits.

It’s not just large organisations that rely on MPS to help save on printer-related costs; businesses of all sizes can reap the cost-saving rewards, too. We work with various SMEs, charities, and schools to optimise their infrastructure, streamline printing processes, and ultimately save them money.

If you want to learn more about how MPS can benefit your business, speak to one of our printer experts today.